Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm at the end of a cold so I just wasn't up to my regular self portrait photo so thought I would share what I was doing for much of the afternoon: which was trying to figure out Style Defined's NYFW. For the first time I'm having additional help on site. I've hired 3 amazing girls, Lauren Baluyo, Lizzy Oppenheimer and Elyssa Goodman who will all be covering shows and parties and shooting the great outfits we see throughout the week. (I kind of feel like it's my own Charlie's Angels when I re-read that! LOL) Anyways I'm still waiting to hear back about some shows I've requested but I'm also really excited about some invites I've already received including: Katie Gallagher, the Blonds, Nicole Miller, Daryl K, Jeremy Scott and several Project Runway alumns. Also some designers I don't know much about but like their collections like Jonathan Cohen and Jen it's trying to figure out who I should send where and when and the after party information hasn't even begun...okay, deep breath....


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