Sunday, July 3, 2011

Like LA loves prescription drugs and celebutantes New Yorkers love their black. And I am guilty of this as well.  But sometimes in the summer black can seem so...dark! Last week I stopped in Allan & Suzi's vintage store to add a little color in my life. Recently re-located from the UWS to  237 Centre Street near Broome,  it's a mecca of great designers of the past 30+ years. When I stopped by both Allan and Suzi were in and when I explained that I was a fashion blogger Allan's eyes lit up and he started rattling off specific pieces he thought I would absolutely love. (and he was so right) I felt like I was having my own private tour of the history of fashion featuring everything from a Hermes Kelly bag to vintage Lanvin platforms to insane '80s club kid gear.

I told them I was looking to add a little color to my life –starting with my wardrobe. Suzi told me she had the perfect dress for me and with a little flourish presented me with this Versace gown. I took one look at it and thought "No WAY is that going to look good on me".  As someone who is 5'3" when I stand up straight and not exactly curvaceous, the idea of wearing a full length column dress seemed insane. But not wanting to be impolite, and being a little bit curious,  I tried it on. And I fell in love. I felt transformed into some sleeker more sophisticated version of myself, and the experience taught me not to jump to conclusions as to what I can and cannot wear.
I won't be doing my everyday kind of shopping here but for special one of a kind situations I'll definitely be stopping by Allan & Suzi!
Also! Allan & Suzi have a space below their store that they are willing to rent out to a young designer as a workspace with the added bonus of having your clothes sold in the store. In addition they're looking for someone to help them part time with their website and social media –this would be a few times per week in the store. So if you're interested stop by and tell them you read about it on Style Defined!


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