Friday, May 27, 2011

Hello all, I'm Cassie from Hi Sugarplum! I was thrilled when Laura asked me to share in this series, since Bright, Bold & Beautiful is practically my middle name. Or I aspire to it anyway. Maybe not literally since that would be a fairly significant monogram. Moving on, when I think of Bright, Bold & Beautiful, I immediately think of Jill Sorenson, of Marmalade Interiors, home. Her color choices are so bright and unexpected, her mix of patterns bravely bold, and the combination of them both is simply beautiful. Jill definitely has created a space I'd like to model in my own home.

all images courtesy Live Like You
Hopefully I've infused Jill's bravado into the rooms I created for my Son and Daughter. I want them to feel Bright, Bold & Beautiful in them!
Picnik collage
Thank you, Laura, it was a pleasure to be here!

Other guest posts you may have missed:
Eleni of My Paradissi
Marissa of Roost
Jenna and Jessica of Simply Bon Vivant
Sue of The Zhush
Paloma of La Dolce Vita
and to view the whole list, click here


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